Friday, April 27, 2007
Brown-headed Cowbird
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Mr. and Mrs.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Spring Always Comes
After a bit I noticed little black berries dropping around me, on my head and even down the back of my shirt. I slowly looked up and in the trees barely three or four feet over my head were a half dozen cedar waxwings!! I could barely believe my eyes. It was a gift for me. I'm not ashamed to say tears were flowing. Birding feeds my soul.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Wickenburg, AZ

Sun City West
Another life bird in the in-laws' backyard, the white-winged dove. This species is non-native, introduced in the 50's when captive birds were released in Florida. This bird sings "who cooks for you" but in a dove voice.
Correction: White Winged Doves are NOT an introduced species. They are a native species and migrate south to Mexico during winter.
Around home here the trees are really popping. Male red-winged blackbirds have been here for several days but thins morning the ladies arrived. Two days ago there were hundreds of juncos but today there are none. Happy trails juncos! This morning also brought the first white-crowned, white- throated and song sparrows. Meal worms and Zick-dough are going like hot-cakes. Cardinals, robins and chickadees are flying around with nesting materials. The wind is gusting from the south but we're expecting thunderstorms tonight. I heard that means we could have a good fall-out of spring migraters! Spring is vibrating here in Minnesota!!!
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Bird Butts of Arizona- the Other Field Guide
Monday, April 16, 2007
Critters and Hummers
We saw a wide array of lizards. Though they didn't have a lot of color, they were really strikingly beautiful.
This lizard was well camoflaged from a distanceand was quite willing to let me get a close look.
I saw two species of hummingbirds. This is a Black-chinned hummingbird. If you click to enlarge you can make out the beautiful violet blue gorget below its black chin. I also saw the Costa's hummingbird but no picture for me. Two more lifers!!
Friday, April 13, 2007
Desert Botanical Garden Part 2
I don't know what these blooming trees are, but they seemed to be everywhere. I've got to get Pam to suggest a trees of AZ book before I go back there.
Another lifer- the verdin! This little gray bird with a lemony yellow head and rusty shoulder patch was gathering downy plant material to add to its nest. The verdin builds a spherical nest made of thorny twigs and lined with feathers, hair or fur. It has a side entrance with a spiky twig overhang- all designed to deter predators. I watched these little guys for a long time and noted all of the field marks to make a good id.
Here's another bird that I believe is a Curve-billed Thrasher. I'm hesitant on my id because the curve-billed thrasher appears more gray in the field guide. I saw quite a few of these birds on our trip. They seemed quite comfortable around people. I got a great chance to watch them when we played a long game of mini-golf. A pair was nesting in a tangled cactus in the middle of the course.
Another view of the curve-billed thrasher, though not a great picture. I tried desperately to get a clear picture, and finally as I was headed back to the car there was a pair on the sidewalk only three feet away. And Art had the camera- on the other side of the lot.