Sometimes I just amaze myself with my photography skills.

Shall we play a game of "Name That Butt"?

Come on. Turn around a minute.

I was able to get several shots of this guy's butt before he turned around to smile for the camera.

Don't you love how I framed this shot? I always say- composition is everything.

Here's a very special picture of a life bird for me. No, not the mourning doves, the guy who jumped into the dog food dish a split second before I snapped this picture is an Inca Dove!
Whooey! Life bird in a dog dish!
Lynne! You are a hoot! And the best bird butt photographer in cyberspace :0D Thanks for the 'hind' sight !!!
I have a bird butt photo from today.
I'm not even gonna guess at the butts.
You are hilarious.
Bird Butts . . . you know when I take 300 shots and only 4 shots turn out that the rest were all shots of the hind end of the birds, right? I'll have to do a Bird Photography Lesson on that one -- after a suitable amount of time has passed so it's not like I'm just stealing your idea! :) And, WHY do they never show the bird butts in the pictures in field guides -- half the time that's all you see when you are looking up in a tree at the birds over your head! Sheesh! Great shots! I'm *pretty* sure I know what one of those butts was but the others???
An, Inca Dove . . . wow!
LOL Lynne! "Do these feathers make my butt look big??? Hey! Is she actually taking photos???" ACK!
Oh, Lynne, this was a scream! I am still laughing. I think birds intentionally put their butts in your face when they see you have a camera! I get at least one butt shot a day.
These are marvelous (with and without the butts) LOL!
Lynne, I think you're on to something..."A Field Guide to Bird Butts"! Funny. :)
Haa-That is funny!-The first nice butt is the nicest!-It's on page 63 of my bird guide to exotic bird butts.
Funny Lynn! I share your frustration.
LOL, cute bird butts! I guess bird butts are better than nothing!
LOL! I loved this!
~other Sharon
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