Thursday, July 31, 2008
Chippers and Hummers
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
A New Yard Bird at Hasty Brook
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Hasty Brook from the Sky

We are headed up to Hasty Brook Wednesday evening through the weekend. On Friday we will be meeting with a septic designer who will make a recommendation on where (if) we can put in a septic system. In the above photo you can see that the creek bisects the property and we have no road access to the land east of the creek. The area inside the loop of the creek in the northwest part of the photo is where we currently have our road and clearing for the camper. This is where we would like to build. Since that loop falls within the 150 foot set-back area we will have to apply for a variance. A variance hearing requires lots of paper work and no small amount of money- all with no guarantees. I'm trying not to be discouraged. Please wish us luck!
I'm anxious to see what's blooming up there. Hopefully I'll be able to get some more pictures of the ferns, trees and wildflowers and continue with my project of cataloging the flora of Hasty Brook. I'll bring along a bag of birdseed to fill the empty feeders. I've taken the feeders down the last few times we've visited because of the bear damage but it doesn't seem to take the birds long to find the buffet once the feeders are refilled and hung! We'll most likely spend one afternoon in Duluth- my favorite city. The kids always look forward to a trip to a store called The Electric Fetus. They are an independent music store that carries an incredible variety of music plus some clothes and accessories that my kids really like. I bought my last favorite CD by Emmylou Harris there. So I hope the weather is nice so we can get some work done and do some relaxing too. We'll have extra chairs around the bonfire and I make pretty good s'mores. The cooler will be stocked- Malibu Rum and OJ, iced tea, Irish whiskey. We've even been known to make fruit smoothies! So if you're in the neighborhood, stop over!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Friday, July 11, 2008
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
I'm Trying to Catch Up!
Well, here's what they think of each other:
They spend most of the day lounging on the couch together.
I've introduced many cats to many dogs over the years and have never had it go that smoothly. I honestly believe that we had help from heaven in creating this motley crew of best friend animals.
Having Puddy around every day has helped me a lot in missing Phyllis. When I look at that beautiful black kitty I have to smile and think of Mom too.
Molly and I found this nest of about a million baby bunnehs this spring in the flower bed in the back yard. Aren't they CUTE? We watched the grow every day, making the nest wiggle and bulge. Finally the left the nest...
Our rabbit Buddy is a mini-lop.
A not-so-mini mini-lop.
Molly wanted to see what he's look like with regular "up" rabbit ears.
Buddy was NOT amused.
Isn't she a pretty Mama?
She built her nest in an old glass orange juicer that I used for feeding meal worms to the chickadees.