This post is going to be short on words, but big on cuteness! I've been to the Bog a few times and have never been able to find a Gray Jay but this year I saw them.

There is something very engaging about Gray Jays. They have big eyes and soft coloring.

Gray Jays are notoriously fearless around people, looking for tasty hand-outs and I've heard that with a little patience they can be hand fed.

They chatter with happy, cheerful voices

They really seem to enjoy being around people and I was grinning ear to ear watching them forage and call and fly about.
I am so happy to add these amazing birds to my life list.
Gorgeous shots.These little guys are so cute.Glad you got another life bird.
Hi Lynne,
Thanks for the Gray Jay photos.
This is one of my most favorite
Hap in New Hope
Congratulations!! Such an adorable bird. I just want to rub it's chin and pet its wee little head. So cute!
What a spectacular group of images. This would be a new bird for me as well. You capture their personality so clearly. A bit of soft and sweet and then there's attitude. So glad you encountering them on this visit.
they are cute little birds! I didn't know they were in MN.
Your photos were wonderful of these cute little guys! I do like their sweet faces! Seem like they have the spirit of the chickadee!
Though they are members of corvidae, they look for all the world like a titmouse with a bad dye job, don't they?
Sweet little wuzzers.
Great shots, Lynne! The 2nd & 3rd are my favorites. I need to get back up to Sax Zim!
Stunning pics... I love these guys!
I'm so glad you got to see them.
Oh, my! He is cute as can be. I've never seen one before. I love the coloring. I wish they lived in our area. I do like our bright-colored bluejays but they don't have the cuteness factor these do.
Aaaawww, I just LOVE the last shot!
They remind me of the Chickadee. Congrats on the new bird. I absolutely love the 3rd photo.
Leedra’s Photos For Fun
Leedra’s Greeting Cards
Photography By Leedra
How sweet! They look a good bit smaller than regular jays? I love the coloration on them. Great captures Lynne!
Oh I would have loved to have beent there with you Lynne!
Wow! Great pictures. I hoped to see one of these when I was in Ottawa. I have heard that they are very friendly.
I totally agree with you! That is one cute bird. The photography is really great. I love your Owls! I live down here in the Sonoran desert, and have yet to see an Owl. I have a pond in my backyard and all the Doves, Quail and Roadrunners, seem to be getting more brazen everyday, as they meander closer to me. I really get a kick out of the Roadrunners, but I'm tempted to start chasing them off before all the little Quail chicks hatch out.
I love Susan's comment about "a titmouse with a bad dye job!" LOL! Russ took a picture at our cabin years ago when it was still just the cabin, and he thought it was a titmouse, but I think it may have been a gray jay.
That last shot is a hoot. I love it when my pictures show a bird looking right at me!!! Lovely post today. In Canada, the gray jay is called the camp robber because they are so "friendly".
Hi Lynne. These are great shots. I've never seen one of these either! I love your blog.
...oh my goodness are they ever cute! ...sort of like a titmouse-chickadee combo. I love the soft grays and that sweet expression. Such good photos too!
Very lovely photos Lynne, thank you.
What pretty little birds! I've never seen one.
How absolutely cute!! If he was yellow he would look like one of those little easter chickies you hold in your hand.. (3rd pict. down). I am too surprised how small he is..I thought they were bigger. Thanks for bringing him to us...
Lynne, you are finally back! Yeah! And it was worth the wait, because what a cutie! I think Anne of Nature Trails and Camera Tales calls them the "Teddy bears" of the bird world! I agree! Your photos make me want to cuddle one right up!
They are really cute. They actually make the photos look like you had a special filter on the camera to soften the shot.
Cute I'd say & a new one for my "laptop list"! FAB
Such a fluffy looking bird. You are so right about them looking so soft..very sweet looking disposition.
I can see why some think it might resemble a cross between a chickadee and a titmouse!!
Very cute indeed. Especially the third shot.
Oh my, how beautiful! Your photos are totally awesome!
Ruth- Thank you! I really wanted to see this bird.
Hap- Hi!! Long time, no see! It's one of my faves too.
Kallen- It sure was cute!
Vickie- Thank you. I think these birds do have a strong personality.
Marsha- Only way up north as far as I know.
Shelley- They are as charming as a chickadee.
Susan- LOL! Titmouse with a bad dye-job!
Ivars- Thank you. I'm happy tha out of the 300+ that I took over that weekend that a few turned out OK.
Laura- Thank you!
Linda- Cuter than a Blue jay for sure!
Mel- I love when birds look me in the eye.
Leedra- Lots of folks think of chickadees with these guys.
Jayne- Yep, smaller than a Blue Jay.
Eve- Come on up!
Ruth- Yes, I thought they were friendly too.
Valeriannah- Welcome!! I visited Phoenix a few years ago and never got to see a Roadrunner. :(
Deb- You know, a Titmouse would be a lifer for me.
KaHolly- Welcome!! I love seeing a bird look me in the eye too.
Montanagirl- Thanks for visiting here.
Kelly- Chickdee titmouse combo! Perfect.
Mike and Lizette- Thank you very kindly.
Bird Girl- Too cute for words!!
Cindy U.- Maybe you'll get one!
Jaynn- Cutie patooties!
Kathie- Thanks! Teddie bears- works for me.
Owlman- No filters here.
Early Birder- You must REALLY be a lister if you keep a laptop list!
Tina- They sure were friendly little birds.
Quantum Tiger- Welcome!! I like the 3rd shot best too.
Pam- Thanks a bunch.
Sure is a cutie... looks soft and fuzzy, almost like a kitten.
I am late to the cute fest--but I agree. Very cute--and fluffy looking.
I would love to hold one of these cuties.
I've never seen one of these little sweet birds before and I love it! Thank you for sharing it with us. Now I have to look it up in my bird book : )
I left a comment yesterday but for some reason my computer kicked me out!!
I think it went something like this...Who knew there are gray jays in Minnesota?? Not me!! They look so sweet. I can't imagine they have the in-your-faceness of blue jays.
(Oh, and sorry about the caption contest --hee hee. It is the first thing that popped into my little head.)
Nice pictures of the Gray Jay Lynne! I like the last one best.
Nice pictures of the Gray Jay Lynne! I like the last one best.
Nice pictures of the Gray Jay Lynne! I like the last one best.
They are one of my favorite North Woods and mountain wilderness birds. Great shots!
Oh, oh oh!!!
Much cuteness.
I have never seen one I too want to pat it's little head...
So cute and great photographs...
He seems to be talking with you.
Gorgeous birds!
We saw the gray jay in one of our field guides with a similar picture but saying 11.5" and thought it looked otherwise. Looked it up in a second guide which had a picture of a larger/similar-looking bird and said 10"to 13". How big would you say this specimen was? He is very sweet and the photos are wonderful. What is their range in winter/summer?
Hi Mamadonna-
Thanks for the nice comment and for visiting here. I believe the 11.5 inch lenght is due in part to the longish tail on the Gray Jay. It's not apparent on all of these pictures but the tail was quite long. Gray Jays are found year-round in the northern part of Minnesota, some northern states, the Rockies and most of Canada. Their winter range doesn't look to move too much south.
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