Thursday, June 10, 2010

Potholes and Prairie Birding Festival in Carington, North Dakota

I stopped in St. Paul to pick up birding friend Virginia and the at the airport for Katdoc and off we went. About seven hours and a few hundred miles later we arrived in Carrington, exhausted. Settle in, unpack, a bite to eat and off to bed to wait for our 4AM alarm. Kathi's trip was scheduled to leave at 430 and mine at 5AM. We were most happy to find that Wren was here at the festival too. This morning we headed out to tour the Arrowwood National Wildlife Refuge with guide Bill Thompson. Thw weather wasn't terrific- cold, windy with rain or drizzle most of the day but I am NOT complaining. The views were spectacular, the birding wonderful and the company was great.

We got several fabulous looks at Upland Sandpipers.
Western Grebes that were displaying.

We came upon a few pairs of Marbled Godwits throughout the day. They were not as happy to see us as we were to see them.

Common Snipe were uncommonly beautiful and easy to find.

We got to watch a bison heard cautiously move away and then break into a run.
It was like seeing a piece of history
I was honored.
I'm short on narritive tonight as I'm really tired. Julie Zickefoose spoke this afternoon and there is a picnic dinner and music this evening. Should be fun.
All told, I believe our group saw 78 species today and I got 16 life birds!!!
Western Grebe
Blue-winged Teal
American Avocet
Upland Sandpiper
Marbled Godwit
Semipalmated Sandpiper
Wilson's Phalarope
California Gull
Black Tern
Willow Flycatcher
Western Kingbird
Horned Lark
Sedge Wren
Clay-colored Sparrow
Yellow-headed Blackbird
Pardon the typo's...
Tomorrow is Pipits and Pie with Julie.


Montanagirl said...

That sounds wonderful! So glad you got to see birds you don't normally see. Enjoy!

RuthieJ said...

What a great first day. AND you got to see buffalo! Wow!! Hope the rest of the festival is just as great.

Richard said...

16 lifers in one day...WOW. You'll sleep good tonight.

Deb said...

Sounds like you're having a great time! I got to see trumpeter swan cygnets today, that was my thrill.

Shelley said...

Wonderful photos and sounds like a really fun time!! Wish I was there!!

Leedra said...

All the birds are unusual - at least for me. But the bison herd is great. Glad they were running from you and not at you. LOL!

Jayne said...

Sounds like a wonderful time Lynne!

troutbirder said...

What fun! Wish I could have been there.

possumlady said...

Sounds like GREAT fun!! And an unexpected herd of bison--what a treat!

Carolyn H said...

Lynne: I'm a bit jealous. I spent several weeks in North Dakota many years ago in early fall. I've never had the opoortunity to go back, but looking at your photos sure makes me wish I could. Thanks for sharing!

Carolyn H.

KaHolly said...

Good for you!! 16 lifers. Wow. And, you got some beautiful pictures, as well. Wish I was there! Have fun tomorrow.~karen

NCmountainwoman said...

Sixteen lifers, good friends, bison, picnics and music. No need to wish for you to have a great time. But I will anyhow!

Cindy said...

Wonderful pictures of some wonderful birds. Sounds like a place to put on the must visit list.

Unknown said...

Sounds fabulous! Did you know that Arcata, CA, has an annual festival celebrating the Marbled Godwit? We saw many hundreds of them on our winter trip to northern California a year and a half ago. I love 'em! And American Avocets are the loveliest birds...

Anonymous said...

I love grebes: they are such noble birds.

Kathie Brown said...

OH Lynne! So happy for you! What wonderful birds you saw! Congrats and I hope you post again soon! Miss you!

LostRoses said...

Hi Lynne, so good to hear from you and see what you're up to now. Impressive lifer list! And the buffalo - wow! Sounds like you had a wonderful time, and you found time to blog - even more impressive. Happy bird watching!

Jane said...

Wonderful photographs! Enjoyed your blog.


dguzman said...

Oh, I'm so glad you're out at that festival--I really want to go there some year! Maybe the Flock will go there next year?

Carole Barkett said...

Beautiful photos, I'm so glad I found your blog

Teena in Toronto said...

A couple friends of mine love love love birding.

Happy blogoversary :)

Montanagirl said...

What a wonderful day! Really like the buffalo picture, as well as your other photos!

Montanagirl said...

P.S. - Are there two Montanagirls? I see the first post is by Montanagirl, but I didn't write it (At least I don't remember writing it) (this is the first time I've been on your blog in awhile - ) But when I clicked on it, it took me right to my own blog. Hmmmm....

Montanagirl said...

Nevermind - I see where the post I just commented on was posted over a month ago! I don't even remember yesterday, let alone a month ago! Wow...

Unknown said...

Found your blog via Montanagirl, love the Godwit. what a mix bag you saw. Kev UK

Bill S. said...

Beautiful pictures. One of these days I am going to visit the pothole territory.

Tim said...

Great post and I really like the bison photo. Thanks!

Sarah Knight said...

wonderful photos : )

Q said...

Sounds many birds! WOW...
hope all is going well for you and yours.

sebi_2569 said...

beautiful capture; congratulations