This is my third year of trying to learn to identify sparrows. A friend recommended the book Identify Yourself: the Fifty Most Common Birding Identification Challenges by Bill Thompson III, aka Bill of the Birds. To be honest going in to my challenge I was only hopeful to be able to tell female house sparrows from anything else. That first year I learned to firmly id chipping sparrows, fox sparrows and white-throated sparrows and I was happy. Last spring I got the book out again and added white-crowned, Harris's and song sparrows.
Last week this guy showed up. He looked a bit daintier than the song sparrows scratching under the feeders. I want so badly to call him a Lincoln's sparrow. His chest has a buffier wash. No dark dot on his breast.
By the way- no one has moved the can of starter fluid. It seems to be a bird magnet!
HEET -- the favorite starter fluid of sparrows
Okay, I looked on Flickr {click}.
I am absolutely NOT a sparrow expert since I have my own Sparrow Quest going on right now too. But, it looks like a Lincoln's to me!
It looks like a Lincoln's sparrow to me, but it sure isn't acting like a Lincoln's--out there in the open, all proud of itself. Lincoln's are usually skulkers and difficult to ID bcause they don't show themselves most of the time. Oh, you might see a tail or a back or hear a scratch, but actualy *see* the whole bird for more than .3 seconds, now that's rare.
Carolyn h.
Looks like a Lincoln's Saprrow - when I compared the side view to a side view I have.
I agree, it's a Lincoln's sparrow. During migration, they can turn up anywhere. They will eat millet, thistle and sunflower chips.
Sparrows are tough to identify -- or even just see as your nice photo sequence demonstrates-- it took me a while to see the bird because I was drawn to that darn can !! Maybe they are meant to be somewhat mysterious because doesn't God have His eye on the sparrow ??-- and no other bird ??
You have a lot going on in your little piece of heaven -- reminds me what I have seen at another site: that at this time of year is alive with life --but no bunnies. But a bigger back yard too.
Liza- that can... Sparrow Quest- I like that!
Carolyn- The sparrow was only about 3 feet from a dense lilac hedge. It would pop out, scratch and then scoot back to the lilacs. Thanks for visiting!
Natureshutterbug- thanks for the opinion and for stopping by!
Birdchick- All of those foods were on the ground under the feeders. Thanks for the word.
Cestoady- Sparrows ARE tough but I love their understatedness (is that a word?) "His Eye is on the Sparrow" by Tennessee Ernie Ford was one of my Dad's favorite hymns-Thanks for reminding me! Thanks also for the link to Nature Remains and for visiting here!
Well, whatever he is, it looks like his car needs the fluids checked. Why won't someone help him???
It's a Lincoln's Sparrow. Congrats!! They hang around with White-throated and White-crowns when migrating. We had one in our backyard last week.
Wow! Don't anyone touch that can!
Susan- They've got to keep their cars in tune for the long drive north!! ;)
anonymous- Thanks! It's a lifer for me. I've been able to watch it off and onn for two days and now I feel confident that I can id one in the future.
Mary- It's a VERY special HEET can.
You are soooo lucky! In your BACKYARD! I have to travel miles and miles to see these lovely birds and I've never gotten a picture. Congratulations, Lynne.
Where can I get one of those cans?-It seems to attract lots of birds.
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