We did get an extra non-birding treat last Saturday when we saw this steam engine come chugging up the hill. We could hear it and feel the vibrations in the ground before it came into view. It was a nice reminder of a different era of transportation. Does anyone remember Lunch With Casey? It was a local (Minneapolis/St. Paul) children's TV show that ran over the noon hour back when kids left school to go home for lunch. The character Casey Jones and his pal Roundhouse Rodney were very popular and they made many appearances at local businesses. When I was five or six my Dad took me to see Casey Jones at a department store opening. We waited what seemed like hours in line and when we finally got to meet Casey, I started to cry, and told Casey that I loved him and asked him if he would marry me! He got down on his knees and hugged me and said I'd have to grow up a little before I could get married but that he loved me too. I went home a very happy little girl.
After we left Hawk Ridge we headed down to Park Pointe to look about. Someone spotted a plover and Sharon got her scope out to get a better look. We narrowed it down to either a Black-bellied or American Golden-Plover in winter plumage. Stan saw it take flight and noted the black "armpits" which made it a Black-bellied Plover! A lifer for me!
That wraps up my 50th birthday birding weekend. I'll leave you with one more look at those red-tailed hawk feet.
A rabbit nightmare!
A rabbit nightmare for sure! That is such a cute, funny story about Casey Jones. I'm glad you had a great 50th birthday! I love steam engines. It reminds me of old western movies.
Bring on the lifers! I could jump out of my skin waiting for Cape May!!!!
Ahhhh yes, Casey Jones and Roundhouse Rodney! I remember them. Casey always soft spoken and calm. Roundhouse, a little more excitable. Do you remember Axel and his cat Talulla and his dog Touser who lived in a treehouse? He used to tell dumb jokes that started with...Birdie with a yellow bill, hopped upon my windowsill. Cocked a shining eye and said.....and then the dumb joke! My husband and I just returned from Duluth tonight. We got to see a Parasitic Jaeger at Park Point, and a Northern Goshawk that was banded at Hawk Ridge!! The last two days were just spectacular up there. It was sunny and warm. Amazing looks at hawks and eagles both days. The Black-bellied Plovers were still there also. Great pictures.
Sam would love that train! Glad the weekend was so wonderful and memorable for you Lynne. ;c)
Linda- Those talons are incredable tools.
Susan- I can't stop thinking about the Cape May trip!
Cindy- Yes I do remember Axel and Carmen the Nurse, and how about Clancy the Cop? I'm glad we got to grow up with such fun childen's shows.
Jayne- I actually thought of Sam when that steam engine rumbled by!
Hi Lynne,
What a great weekend you had!
I have a co-worker who's "crazy" (really!) about trains--especially steam trains. One day I made the mistake of engaging him in a train conversation, and now whenever he sees me he has a new train story to tell or a picture to show.
Linne, I haven't seen a steam train since I was a child! That is the perfect photo!
I'm glad you had a great 5-0 celebration. I don't think it could have been better.
Definitely a rabbit's worst nightmare!
That is such a cool train photo!
What better way to spend a birthday than birding! Great series.
Very cool train photo, Lynne! I love trains very much. I love your childhood story, too. Boy oh boy, look at those claws, wow. I wouldn't want to get clawed by them!
Hi Lynne,
First time commenting on your blog, but I do keep up when I can, being a native Minnesotan and all. I just had to comment about Casey Jones! I LOVED his show with Roundhouse Rodney. Their crazy songs "I Love Onions" "Valking in my Vinter Undervear" I had no idea you had to send in your name for it to be read on air on your birthday. I just thought somehow that he knew! Every year I'd watched, waiting breathlessly and every year I was SO disappointed he wouldn't say my name. Yours is such a sweet story. Thanks for the memories!
Lunch with Casey? Strange yet interesting! _more great photos!
Happy belated 50th Lynne, and congrats on the birthday lifer. I'm staring at 40 this coming week myself. Maybe the birding gods will bring me a lifer as a birthday present as well.
Love the story and happy birthday!
Love the up close shot of the hawk feet! Also, very cool 50th birthday weekend and with the Plover! Very cool bird for sure!
Lynne, I'm trying to catch up on the blogs and was delighted to see all the excitement here over your birthday birding weekend! Happy 50th (though I hardly believe it) and many more birding days ahead. Cape May coming up is pretty exciting. Can't wait to read your posts about it!
Niblet says EEEK!!!!
Ruthie- I'm not what you'd call a train fan but I couldn't help but be impressed by that old steam engine.
May- It was a wonderful birthday weekend, and yes, those talons give me the shivers too!
birdfreak- thanks! It's always a good day to go birding!
Pam- seeing the steam engine was indeed special.
Possumlady- thanks for visiting! I truely did love Casey Jones. My Mom has old 35 mm film of me with Roundhouse Rodney at "Bambi-land" in Wisconsin. Those are wonderful memories!
Larry- Lunch with Casey was just one of several local children's shows on TV back in the day.
Born Again Bird Watcher- Thanks and Happy Birhday to you too. Hope you get a lifer!
Laurie- thanks for the birthday wishes.
Mon@rch- I love the texture of the pads on the hawk's feet.
Lostroses- thank you. Cape May will be a blast.
Delia- Give Niblet a beep on the nose for me!
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