I'm really feeling flat tonight. I worked two extra shifts (Monday and Tuesday). The money is nice but it takes away from the time I usually spend getting other things done. I enjoy working as a Medical Technologist but the workload is heavy and combining the serious responsibilities of turning out top quality lab results while multitasking to the n'th degree can be mentally exhausting. We are constantly being asked to increase test volumes while decreasing turn-around time.
My Mom is having a tough time right now. We're coming up on 3 years since my Dad died. Time is not easing her grief. I wish there was more I could do to help her.
When I went downstairs to tackle the mountain of laundry this morning I was met with a sopping wet mountain and a flooded basement. The drains were backed up. Thankfully it was only a dirty water issue.
This is all I could come up with tonight- my favorite backyard birds form last year.
Above is the female Rose-breasted Grosbeak.
The Rose-breasted Grosbeak pair stayed only a few days but were such a treat.

This little house wren stuffed sticks in both holes but the she-wren chose a nest across the yard.
The Brown Thrasher stayed for about two weeks last fall. He ate everything that I offered- grape jelly, meal worms, suet, peanuts, and oilers. This guy was a hoot to watch, racing through the leaves across the ground, trying to stir up bugs to eat.
Cooper's Hawk was a big thrill. She stayed for quite a while. I see coops fly through the backyard nearly every day but this one seemed to be offering to pose just for me to enjoy.

Last spring I learned a few sparrows. They had always been LBJ's to me, impossible to identify. I am proud to say that one day last spring I id'd 6 different sparrows within one hour at my feeding station!
Song Sparrow
White-throated Sparrow
White-crowned Sparrow
Tree Sparrow
Chipping Sparrow
Harris's Sparrow
This was my first yard Red-bellied Woodpecker. I wonder if she's the same one that stayed the winter?
Another cool sparrow- Fox Sparrow came through in the fall.
Common visitors to my yard, but uncommon in their beauty; Northern Cardinal and Downie Woodpecker.
I know some of you probably consider Red-wing Blackbirds to be pests, but I love them. All summer they dropped in to my yard, several times a day, eating and singing their hearts out. Loud? Yes. Piggy? Maybe. Beautiful? Without a doubt.
They carry spring on their shoulders.
I've been hearing them out the window for two days. Today, finally, they came back to my backyard.