Tuesday, July 31, 2007
First Birder Blogger Conference
Your blog must have been started sometime before January 31, 2007
Your blog must have regular updates at a minimum of four times a month.
If your blog has been inactive for more than 30 days, you will not qualify for the discount.
You must promote the Cape May Autumn Weekend and the First Birder Blogger Conference periodically in your blog and invite readers and bloggers to come along.
If you can work it out to attend, send your name, address and phone number to Birdchick and she'll put you on the list. (There might even be hotel discounts!) Let one of us know too and we'll add your link to the "Flock" on our side bars.
So COME ON readers and bloggers! Join the "Flock" !!
You know you want to!
For more info go to www.birdcapemay.org
Monday, July 30, 2007
Mostly Insects at Hasty Brook

Another cool moth under the canopy. Looking closely it looked like a drawing on a brown paper grocery bag. It was 2 1/2 to maybe 3 inches across. When it eventually flew away it fluttered like a dried leaf on the wind- very erratic. Amazing!
The thistles were humming with bees. This bumblebee was calm and content to let me get in close to watch and take pictures.
Moments later this honeybee (at least I think it's a honeybee...where's the Birdchick when I need her!) flew in an quickly chased the bumblebee away.
Here's a really crummy picture of a neat red and white striped spider that would vibrate whenever I got close enough to grab a picture. Since it was quite hot, there were plenty of sweat bees hanging around us. They're kind of cute, and seem harmless if not pesty. But there's something about being licked by an insect...
And no, that is NOT my dirty, hairy, sweaty arm.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Bad Bunny!
"No- no! Bad bunny!"
Monday, July 23, 2007
It's Been a Year?
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Monday, July 16, 2007
Dippy Goldfinch!
WARNING: Dial-up users, I'm sorry. I simply could not leave any of these pictures out. Yesterday afternoon I spotted this goldfinch hanging in my yellow daisy patch. At first I thought that maybe he was injured or ill because he was hanging upside down by his feet. Eventually he started preening and I think perhaps he had just had a bath and was drying off. It was the prettiest thing to watch.
Doesn't he look a bit like an Easter Peeps when he's all fluffed up like this?
He pulled each of his shiny wing feathers through his beak, one at a time.
Well, if you've hung with me, I will say that I narrowed this post down from 24 pictures of this guy!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Cedars at Gooseberry Falls
Another of our stops along the north shore of Lake Superior was the lovely and very popular Gooseberry Falls State Park. My friendship with Pam at Nature Woman has taught me to have a greater appreciation for trees. So amongst the beauty of the park I found my eyes drawn to these old cedar trees.
I wonder why this one has twisted over time.
These old cedars are growing right out of the rock overlooking the falls.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
The North Shore of Lake Superior
I was told this is an old fishing shack used to process fish brought into this little harbor. It is such a pretty spot.
The view to the north shows the endless water, the horizon curving, hiding land on the other side.
The lake was calm and peaceful this day. Wisconsin is on the other side.
My kids, Molly, John and my German daughter Aranka. Aranka had just dipped her feet into the lake. She was shocked at how cold the water was even in this shallow, sheltered harbor. The temperatures of Lake Superior rarely rise above 50 degrees in the summer.
Friday, July 06, 2007
I Met a Blogger Today
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Eight Random Facts Meme
Here are the rules for Eight Random Facts:
Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
1. I don't like monkeys. They are sneaky and cunning. And they fling poo.
2. In the tenth grade while working at Woolworth's I sold a bag of circus peanuts to Marlo Thomas.
3. I can't swim.
4. I love cotton. (The look, the feel of cotton- the fabric of our lives)
5. I speak fluent Double Dutch.
6. I am the youngest of five and there are 15 years between me and my oldest brother.
7. I am allergic to cashews.
8. I love musicals. When I was a kid I thought the world would be perfect if we could just break into song and dance at any time. Still do.
Here are the folks I tag:
1. Mary at Mary's View
2. Jayne at Journey Through Grace
3. Ruthie at Nature Knitter
4. Larry at The Brownstone Birder
5. Pam at Nature Woman
6. Mary at Mary's Corner of the World
7.Linda at Erie's Argonaut
8. Nina at Nature Remains
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
The View From My Chair
Welcome to my chair. It's a cool new chair just for Hasty Brook. Not an ordinary chair, but a heavy duty, zero gravity recliner with cup holder and built-in comfy headrest. Blue.
I'd show a picture of my new chair, but then I'd have to get up.
In case you're wondering, the cup holder is holding a big plastic glass (20 oz) from Wall Drug SD. The glass is full of ice, Malibu Rum and orange juice. It fits the cup holder quite nicely.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Wild Things
Check out this river otter that we saw at the Great Lakes Aquarium in Duluth. I'll bet you didn't know that Minnesota river otters wore skateboard caps! (John was NOT happy to be posing for me) The Great Lakes Aquarium houses interesting displays of fresh-water fish from Lake Superior and around the world. Fresh-water fish aren't overly colorful but still pretty cool. They have a two story tank that has sturgeon that must be 6 feet long! They did have a few birds in the aquarium. One display had a pair of Common Goldeneyes that were a hoot to watch. I did learn something new- when the Goldeneye swam on the surface the feet paddled below the bird as I expected, but when the bird dove, the legs pivoted out to the sides like the pectoral fins on a fish! I had no idea!!
Our first evening up there this little black dog trotted up the driveway. We later found out his name is Spike and he belongs to the neighbors (about a half mile away). He's a very friendly and funny little dog and all weekend long he hung about, not begging for food (although he's terribly thin), but just socializing! Molly loves this dog and the feelings were mutual.
We spied this spider on the rocks along the north shore of Lake Superior. It was easily the size of a ping pong ball. (((shudder))) The mosquitoes were not bad as the days were breezy and the nights were so cool. The tick numbers seemed to be tapering off. They were mostly wood ticks but we did find a few deer ticks too. Tick checks were a must.
There were deer EVERYWHERE!! We quickly lost track of the number of deer that we saw. There were several does with little spotted babies. I was sooo excited to see a live badger in the wild along the road one day. I'd never seen a badger in the wild before.