A while back, Amy Hooper, editor of WildBird Magazine and blogger of
WildBird on the Fly was kind enough to send me a copy of Kenn Kaufman's
Field Guide to Insects of North America. I had entered a drawing asking for questions for the editor. This is such a fun field guide and it was used constantly Saturday and Sunday when we went up to Hasty Brook. It was passed from person to person- even the kids had a go with it! It's not loaded with lots of technical jargon and is sprinkled with bits of humor. This is a terrific family field guide.
We found this tattered White Admiral fluttering around a birch on the edge of our campsite. She was there the entire weekend moving mostly around the trunk. At first I thought it was eating around the Yellow-bellied Sapsucker holes, but really it looked like it was licking the lichen on the trunk. Eating? I've no clue. Any butterfly people out there have an idea?

This pretty moth was on the camper under the canopy in the morning. We couldn't find it in the book and I don't have a moth id book. It was perfectly white, no dots or streaks. Anyone want to try the id?
Another cool moth under the canopy. Looking closely it looked like a drawing on a brown paper grocery bag. It was 2 1/2 to maybe 3 inches across. When it eventually flew away it fluttered like a dried leaf on the wind- very erratic. Amazing!
The thistles were humming with bees. This bumblebee was calm and content to let me get in close to watch and take pictures.

Moments later this honeybee (at least I think it's a honeybee...where's the Birdchick when I need her!) flew in an quickly chased the bumblebee away.
Here's a really crummy picture of a neat red and white striped spider that would vibrate whenever I got close enough to grab a picture.
Since it was quite hot, there were plenty of sweat bees hanging around us. They're kind of cute, and seem harmless if not pesty. But there's something about being licked by an insect...
And no, that is NOT my dirty, hairy, sweaty arm.
Without a doubt this kaufman guide is one of the better insect books out their! I also REALLY Love the butterfly guide!
What cool buggies you have at Hasty Brook! Love that white, white moth. Did you figure out what the red/white spider is?
I so want that book! Absolutely cool spider, though I have no clue what it is. That sure looks like a honeybee to me. And, um...I'm glad that's NOT your arm! You had me worried there for a minute...
I was hoping that wasn't your arm, ha! I love that little striped spider. I have never seen one like it. Insects are quite amazing. I really have come to appreciate them since raising my Monarch butterflies.
You guys always have a good time at Hasty Brook, don't you? You got a really nice assortment of photos this time, can't believe though, no birds!
I think that might be a crab spider. If it is, they are very interesting because they take on the colors of the plants they are on.
You have some cool insect and a funky spider Lynne!
Hi Lynne,
Thanks for the critique of the Kaufman Insect Guide. I need to get myself a copy.
(not your leg either, I hope??)
HA! Ruthie took my comment...not your leg? LOL!
A vibrating spider? Interesting.
You always have a grand time at Hasty Brook and take great photos there.
I'll need to take your advice on the insect guide. I'm at a loss when I see insects. Butterflies and moths stump me, too, but I can rely on a website Ruthie suggested for most IDs.
Sweat bees? I always get nervous when they're hovering around me.
Glad you got away to enjoy a hot weekend at Hasty Brook. We used our pond a lot, and I took the kids to the Simpsons movie in Hinckley on Sunday.
Mon@rch- It's a family friendly book. I'll have to look for the butterfly guide.
Jayne- there are tons of insects and spiders up there! Thakfully the mosquitoes were few!
LauraO- You'd like the book. DH Art modeled the bee.
This Old Erie House- Welcome! The speder was neat. It would vibrate itself when I got too clse.
Sandy- We DO have fun up there!Pam- He is funky isn't he!
Ruthie- LOL!! Nope, not my leg either!!
Mary- I think you'd like the guide.
Deb- A cool pond and a cool movie theater sounds like a great way to spend a hot weekend.
So glad that the guide came in handy!
Hi Lynne - I haven't done my post yet, and believe it or not we have been on the same wave length! I captured a couple of daddy long legs the other day here at home. And then yesterday, our family had traveled "over the hill" as we say - driving over to the coast, to Santa Cruz (from San Jose/Los Gatos). While my daughter and I were traipsing down to the beach we came across several thistles and a few of them had bumble bees on them. My daughter took the photos with my camera, but again I haven't yet posted any of them. I couldn't believe my eyes when I came across your bees on a thistle. Isn't that a kick?!
Amy- The guide is wonderful. Thank YOU!
Mary C- Great minds think alike!
Lynne! I have never seen a White Admiral. It's beautiful. And that brown moth. Wonderful. Mississippi State has an awesome collection of moth photos.
I don't know how to get a link into your comments, but it's well worth 'googliing' Mississippi State moth photographers etc. etc.
Your spider looks like the spider that Bev of Burning Silo featured as Misumena vatia.
You've got to visit her - so much cool information.
Thanks for the book suggestion. I will add it to my growing Amazon wish list. Nice pictures!
Nice photos-I could see myself getting in to insects if I owned that guide.
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