WARNING: Dial-up users, I'm sorry. I simply could not leave any of these pictures out. Yesterday afternoon I spotted this goldfinch hanging in my yellow daisy patch. At first I thought that maybe he was injured or ill because he was hanging upside down by his feet. Eventually he started preening and I think perhaps he had just had a bath and was drying off. It was the prettiest thing to watch.
Doesn't he look a bit like an Easter Peeps when he's all fluffed up like this?
He pulled each of his shiny wing feathers through his beak, one at a time.
Preen some more, missed a spot.

Back to the hanging birdie pose.
Oh yes, he likes butter. (Who remembers that childhood game with dandelions?)

Well, if you've hung with me, I will say that I narrowed this post down from 24 pictures of this guy!
Well, if you've hung with me, I will say that I narrowed this post down from 24 pictures of this guy!
It's amazing you were able to catch that on film. How cute! I've tried and tried to get goldfinches to come to my feeders. They go to the neighbors but not ours. But one time my husband and I noticed two of them on my thistle bag. I figured the neighbor must have forgot to fill his feeder. So it wasn't like they picked us, we got them by default. We get the purple house finches but these beautiful yellow babies I have to view from afar.
Lynne, I've never seen anything like that captured in a photo! I'm amazed and thrilled to see those pics. You are an astounding photographer!
Very cool! I would have had a hard time narrowing down the pictures too.
Hey, are you going to Birdchick Sharon's Birds and the Beer tomorrow night? I'm planning to go so we can car pool if you are.
~HellZiggy Sharon
Oh, how exquisite Lynne!!!! I love these shots! Just SOOOOOOO cool!
Amazing photos Lynne! I love the shades of yellow. Goldfinches are probably one of the more numerous birds at my place, but I have never gotten a good picture of one!
These are so precious! He was lounging, Lynne, like I'd like to be doing now :o) So cute!
You were either very close to that little guy or you have a terrific zoom!
How gorgeous! You could use that to illustrate a children's book. How the goldfinch got yellow feathers.
Linda- even if the goldfinches only found you by default, I'll bet they will stay and keep you on their feeding rounds.
Lostroses- Thank you- you've made me blush!
HellZiggy Sharon- Thanks! I'm rying to make arrangements to get Molly to softball so I can go.
Jayne- Thank you! I got lucky!
Deb- Thanks! Aren't the yellows just amazing?
Mary- I took these pix out of my bedroom window to the pond flower bed below. I was pretty close to maxing out the 10X zoom.
Liza- That's a cute idea! A little white bird hopped onto a yellow flower to dry off after a bath...
I followed over from Mary's blog.. These pictures are marvelous.. So different and clear.. Do you enter things in county fairs.. This one would be one that would def. do well!
Dirty Fingernails- Thanks for the visit and for the compliment! I had a hard time narowing it down to (just) these because ther WERE all so different.
Cool! I've never seen a bird do this before! Yup, I remember the butter thing!
That was an awesome series of photos Lynne!-Good observation skills on your part too.-I always hated the little marshmallow chicks though-having those in the basket on easter was like getting a sweater from your grandmother on christmas when you're a kid.
Pam- I had never seen it before either. Are we dating ourselves with the butter thing?
Larry- Thanks, it was just the neatest thing to watch. I felt really lucky. You don't like PEEPS?? I love them! The harder the better!! Lame Christmas gift when I was a kid- my Mom always gave us sox and underwear!!
Being one of your dial up people, this is so worth taking the time to download these amazing series of shots. WOW, I just love these guys and is an amazing shot! Bravo! I can see why you had a hard time picking your pictures to use!
Mon@rch- Thanks! I hope it was worth the time.
Let me join the chorus of praise--what amazing photos. And such a cutie performing. Although the bird does seem very relaxed.
Hey Lynne,
Deleted my comment just because of the 'phone number on the internets' thing.
Sharon will be there Friday but can't make any promises about Cinnamon, so it looks like we are on for Friday morning. I'll probably give you a call on Thursday.
~Other Sharon
I think he's trying to become *one* with the flower!
Amazing that he should choose to preen upside down like that!
What the Hell is he DOING?
I've got a male goldfinch showing off his package, and yours is bathing upside down. What is the bird world coming to?
Oh Lynne, those are such fun pictures. I'm glad you were out there at the right time to capture these moments.
These pictures are so beautiful! This little bird hanging upside down and enjoying it...Now I am thinking about why he did that, it keeps me from working:)
Perhaps he simply likes a change of perspective from time to time... I love those pictures, thank you for taking them,
OK, Lynne - THAT'S it! I'm awarding you the Best Kicked-backed Goldfinch Picture Award for 2007. You must have been delirious with delight as you captured these ablutions! You've got to send these somewhere. I've never seen anything like it. Adorable!
It's obvious he's poofing up his hair--don't you all tip your heads upside down as you fluff and scrunch to get body??
Beautiful yellow post!
Hi! I left a message on your answering machine, but since you have teenagers I'm leaving one here too. :) I know how good I was at giving mom & dad messages when I was a teen... LOL!
Sharon said she thinks the banding usually starts around 8:30 an she usually gets there at about 9:00. I figure leaving here at about 8:30 would be a good plan. Give me a call either tonight, or tomorrow morning between 7:30 and 8:00.
~the Other Sharon
Wow...AMAZING pictures! Thanks for sharing.
Great shots, Lynne, and you must of have been in just the right place to get them. I have never seen a bird go through a routine like this!
I am speechless. this is wonderful. I'm so glad you captured this moment and shared with us.
Lynne, I'm late in reading blogs, as you can tell. These are amazing photographs. I have a theory on what he's doing too. It is possible there are ants on the flowers, going after aphids. Birds will sometimes flatten themselves on an anthill and allow the ants to crawl into their feathers, in a behavior called 'anting.' The theory is that the ants find and remove the tiny parasites that may be in the bird's plumage. Usually anting is done on an anthill, but if the goldfinch happened upon ants in the flowers, it might explain his hanging motionless for a few minutes. Or - maybe he was having a Zen moment! In any case, great photos!
andrea, abq-b-fly guy and Becky- Thanks for visiting here and for the nice comments.
LauraO- Thanks for the behavior idea. I've seen robins "anting" before. Maybe there WERE ants in the flowers. Or maybe he missed his regular yoga class!! Ohmmmm...
These are pictures of a lifetime and they should all be made into a poster. The yellow flowers add to the beauty of the bird. Goldfinches are common here, and their happy ways always give me a lift.
Ruth- Aren't they cheerful little guys?
Truly incredible! My mom's favorite bird, too. She would have loved this post. Thanks for sharing.
Very nice pics. They were a little dark though, which made it hard to see. You might want to boost the level in photoshop just a bit.
Spectacular photographs, Lynne. We have goldfinches in our yard all year long, but I've never seen one splayed out like that. A surrender to yellow. Beautiful.
Abolutely, totally, amazingly gorgeous, Lynne!
Great sequence. I'd walk on hot coals to get something similar.
Those are amazing photos! I'm so glad you linked that to Sycamore Canyon's site today, or I would never have seen them! Lovely!
Lynne, I see why you recommended this post! These photos are awesome and I just want to eat that little cutie right up! Especially after you suggested it looked like a marshmallow peep!
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