Thursday, August 03, 2006


I've heard but not seen three birds while camping this summer, the loudest being the urgent "teacher, teacher, teacher!!" that my field guides described as the ovenbird. Finally, last weekend, there he was, hopping about at eye level-scolding away! I watched for a while, noting field marks- pinkish legs, distinct white eye ring, solid olive/brown back, streaky breast and rusty/orange patch on crown. I was able to snap off a few pictures and this is the best one! There are two other birds that I have heard in our woods but have yet to see- the veery and the hermit thrush. Both sing beautifully in the evening there. I have several audio guides that have helped identify what I am hearing. Veeries have a strange song, reminding me of a carnival toy my kids have called a giggle stick. Every evening we've been at Hasty this summer, I've heard thier songs, always just beyond the clearing, always out of sight. The hermit thrush sings in the evening also, but from deeper in the woods. His song is THE most beautiful bird song that I have ever heard- absolutely magical. In July I heard hermit thrushes singing well after dark, falling asleep to those lovely songs, sweet dreams.


LauraHinNJ said...

Love this pic - ovenbirds always look surprised about something!

Nice just to hear the veeries and hermit thrushes, isn't it?

John L. Trapp said...

You've made a great start to a very very interesting blog. I agree with your assessment of Hasty Brook; very lovely and peaceful-looking. Everyone needs a place like this to which they can retreat.

Lynne at Hasty Brook said...

Thank you John!

Anonymous said...

How wonderful, my rule is that you see one Ovenbird per 100 times hearing it!